About ATIG Web Content

The Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group is proud to showcase social scientific and humanistic research related to tourism, broadly conceived. Our goal is to prompt conversations about how anthropological approaches to tourism have developed over time, what research is being done right now, and what lies on the horizon. We aim to spark discussions among veteran scholars and newcomers to the field, and we hope to draw diverse others into our conversations.

With these objectives in mind, we encourage all readers to respond to web features as they are posted and we invite you to submit your own content features.

How Can I Contribute?

To contribute, simply contact the ATIG Web Content Editor, Joe Quick, at ATIG.Web.Editor@gmail.com.

Each contribution to the website will be posted in one of the following categories. We intend these categories to help us organize materials, not to constrain your contributions, so please interpret their scope generously as you consider your own contributions.

Letters from the Field

Tell us a story from your research. Was there a tourism-related event that really caught your eye? An issue that people should know about? A person you find particularly interesting? You don’t need a profound argument, just a good story. Photo essays are particularly welcome in this category.

Research Updates

Tell us what you’re working on right now. You don’t need to have all the answers yet. In this category, we’re more interested in what sort of questions you’re asking about tourism and what approaches you’re using to try to answer those questions.

Publication Updates

Tell us about your recently published article or  book. Tell us where to find your publication and what it’s all about. We’re especially interested in how your publication builds on your previous research, how it sets the stage for a new project, or how it engages with emerging trends in the anthropology of tourism.

Conference Reports

Tell us about a conference panel that you have recently attended or participated in. Explain the overall theme of the panel and identify how the included papers contribute to the anthropology of tourism. This feature is particularly well suited to panel chairs and/or respondents.

Book Reviews

Review one or more books related to the anthropology of tourism, broadly conceived. Summarize and critique the book(s) contributions to the social scientific and/or humanistic understanding of tourism and related issues. Within this category, we encourage two distinct styles of review: (1) reviews of recently-published books that advance current conversations and concerns in the discipline of anthropology, and (2) retrospective reviews that look back at the impact of books that have influenced the trajectory of the discipline over time.


Sit down with someone who has had an impact on your research related to the anthropology of tourism. Have a conversation about that person’s research and career trajectories. We’ll help you edit the transcript and share it with other researchers. We especially encourage students and early career scholars to interview their own advisors and mentors.

Current Events

Share your perspectives about ongoing issues or events related to the anthropology of tourism. This category is best suited for the kinds of commentaries that are too big or too important for a post on social media but too urgent or too fleeting for the slow pace of publication in a peer-reviewed venue. Think of this category as the op-ed page of a newspaper.